The Answers to the Most Asked Questions About Invisalign

May 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — charmsmiledent @ 7:45 pm
Dentist with blue glove holding Invisalign aligner

To date, Invisalign has helped more than 12 million patients achieve their dream smiles. In many cases, patients struggling with misaligned teeth are drawn to this orthodontic solution because the trays are discreet and removable (which means no dietary restrictions or complicated oral hygiene regimens). But do the aligners hurt? How do you remove them? Is there an easy way to keep them clean? You will learn the answers to these as well as other Invisalign FAQs right here!

Is Invisalign Treatment Painful?

To be honest, any orthodontic treatment will come with some discomfort. There is a silver lining though: it means your teeth are moving! Plus, any soreness you do experience can be alleviated by sipping on cold water, placing a cold compress against the outside of your cheek, and taking over-the-counter pain medication.

How Long Do I Have to Wear My Aligners Each Day?

Remember: your trays only work while you’re wearing them. That’s why patients are encouraged to stick to the 20-22 hour-a-day wear time. If this feels near impossible, try scheduling out your mealtimes. For example, dedicate 30 minutes for breakfast, 30 minutes for lunch, and 45 minutes for dinner.

Is There Any Easy Way to Remove My Aligners?

Patients often have some difficulty removing their aligners toward the beginning of their treatment. One of the best things to do is start from the back, inside of your mouth and carefully work your way forward. If you consistently have trouble, consider getting a clear aligner removal tool (they have a small hook on the end that makes taking them out quite easy).

How Do I Keep My Aligners Clean?

Fortunately, you don’t need any special tools. In fact, all you need is a soft-bristled toothbrush and water! In addition to rinsing your aligners each time you take them out, you should gently scrub each surface before putting them back in your mouth. If stubborn stains do arise, then use the cleaning crystals that were in your Invisalign welcome kit to give them a deeper clean.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

The average Invisalign treatment timeline is just 12 to 18 months; that’s significantly shorter than traditional braces! Plus, cases of minor misalignment may be able to be treated in eight months or less. Of course, your dentist will give you an estimate of your timeline at your consultation, as well as provide tips on how to stay on-track with your treatment plan.

Want to learn more about Invisalign, the treatment process, and life with clear aligners? Then don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with your dentist!

About the Doctor

Dr. Mahmoud Homsi knew from the time he was 19 he wanted to be a dentist, and he hasn’t looked back since! In addition to earning his dental doctorate from Boston University, Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, he has undergone advanced training at world-renowned institutions, such as the American Academy of Clear Aligners. If you would like to learn more about Invisalign – from the treatment process to life with clear aligners – visit his website or call (603) 228-0123.

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