A Chip Off The ‘Ol Tooth: What to Do When You Chip a Pearly White

August 5, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — charmsmiledent @ 6:45 pm
Woman holding her jaw in shock because she chipped a tooth

Dental emergencies are, by nature, alarming. But feeling a hard crunch through one of your pearly whites and finding a chipped tooth in the mirror induces a very specific type of panic. The first thing you should know is that it is possible to salvage a dental fragment. Once you’ve taken a deep breath, keep reading to find out what you can do next.

Rinse, Swish, and Spit

Now, since a tooth can chip in all sorts of ways, it’s important to make sure your mouth is free of pointy fragments. Rinsing your mouth with lukewarm water will help clear the area and make it easier to care for your tooth. If you add a pinch or two of salt, you’ll also slow bacteria growth and promote the healing process for any open cuts.

Staunch The Blood Flow

Depending on your breakage, there may or may not be blood coming from the impact site. For the sake of comfort, avoid using dry cloths or tissues that could stick to wounds when you pull away. Instead, dampen a piece of gauze and hold it firmly to the bleeding area to staunch the flow.

Alleviate Your Discomfort

It seems kind of obvious, but you’ll never know what you might forget in the midst of a dental emergency. If you’re experiencing dental pain along with your splintered tooth, now’s the time to take over-the-counter medication. Most types will do, but ibuprofen is particularly well-suited for reducing swelling, which will be helpful in this situation.

MacGyver a Cold Compress

Since most people have ice boxes in their freezers these days, there’s a good chance you don’t have an ice pack on hand. Frigid pressure can also assist with swelling, though, so what you should do instead is fill a bag with ice cubes. Wrap it up in a towel to avoid too much of a shock when you apply it, and voila! There’s your cold compress.

Recover Your Pearly White Sliver

After taking care of yourself, you can finally get to retrieving and preserving your chip off the ‘ol tooth. If you find it, handle it with care, and drop it in a small pool of milk or saliva. Teeth and their dental layers need to stay moist to be happy and healthy but tap water could harm a broken fragment.

Call Your Emergency Dentist

“Emergency” is their name, after all! Your emergency dentist will work promptly and efficiently to salvage the chip you recovered. If a clean fix isn’t possible, don’t worry. There are several dental treatments that can restore your smile. Once they take care of any immediate concerns, your emergency dentist will consult with you about your options. Otherwise, you’ll be able to enjoy a whole-again pearly white in no time!

About the Author

Dr. Mahmoud Homsi earned his dental degree from the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine. He has pursued several advanced continuing education courses so he can better serve his clients, including Aesthetic Advantage at New York University for cosmetic dentistry. If you’ve chipped a tooth, call Dr. Homsi’s office right away at 603-228-0123. He’ll take care of you promptly and restore your smile with beautiful dental cosmetics if necessary.

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