Missing Teeth – Concord, NH

Rebuilding Smiles for Brighter Futures

According to statistics shared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 6 adults ages 65 and older have no remaining natural teeth. The American College of Prosthodontists estimates that 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. These numbers are expected to increase in future decades, which is startling. Fortunately, Charm Smile Dental consists of Dr. Homsi and a team of passionate dental professionals who care deeply about our dentistry patients’ smiles. Offering various tooth replacement solutions such as dental bridges, dentures, and dental implants, we can rebuild smiles for brighter futures using some of the most advanced dental technologies available. Call us to schedule your appointment to discuss options for replacing missing teeth in Concord, NH.

Why Choose Charm Smile Dental for Replacing Missing Teeth?

  • CBCT Scanner for More Accurate Treatment Planning
  • Digital Impression System Used for Less Mess
  • Sedation Dentistry Available for Patients in Need

Dental Bridges

Designed to restore the look and function of a person’s smile, dental bridges consist of two dental crowns that rest on top of healthy abutment teeth, while pontics (artificial teeth) fill in the gap. Considered a tried-and-true method of tooth replacement, they offer stability and functionality while also creating a more comfortable and confident appearance. And if properly cared for, dental bridges can last a decade or more.


When multiples or an entire arch of teeth are missing, our team can have a partial or full denture created to rebuild your smile. Fabricated using gum-colored acrylic bases, partials use artificial teeth to fill in the gaps as well as metal clasps to attach to natural teeth to stay in place. Full dentures are made from the same materials but replace entire arches, relying on your natural suction and denture adhesive to maintain stability and functionality.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are a different form of tooth replacement because they are the only solution capable of restoring the entire root-to-crown structure. Made of titanium, these posts fuse with jawbone tissues to create a solid foundation for new teeth, which can consist of crowns, bridges, or dentures. Depending on the number of teeth you are missing, a customized restoration can be created to help restore your smile in a way that will ensure optimal function and longevity.

Learn More About Dental Implants