TMJ Treatment—Concord, NH

The Relief You’ve Been Waiting For

Do you wake up most mornings with a sore or stiff jaw? Do headaches and migraines happen so often that you’ve missed work or time with loved ones? These symptoms and others we’ll discuss below can all stem from a problem in your jaw joint, or TMJ (temporomandibular joint). This is an often-overlooked source of mouth, face, head, neck, and even ear pain, but we can uncover and address the root cause with TMJ treatment in Concord. Charm Smile Dental is ready to help you enjoy pain-free days again, and to get started, simply reach out today.

Why Choose Charm Smile Dental for TMJ Treatment?

  • Highly Trained TMJ Dentist Through the Las Vegas Institute
  • Several TMJ Treatment Options Available
  • Enjoy Fast TMJ Pain Relief with Botox

What is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder, or TMD, refers to a wide array of issues that can interfere with the functioning of the two hinges in front of your ears (you should be able to feel them if you wiggle your mouth from side to side).

While TMD can have many causes, the most common tend to be an uneven bite that puts strain on the jaw muscles, unconscious teeth grinding, excessive daily stress, injury to the area, and even arthritis.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

Because the head, mouth, and neck muscles are so interconnected, a TMJ problem can manifest in many different ways. If you’ve experienced the following and haven’t been able to figure out what is causing your discomfort, it could be TMD:

  • Persistent jaw pain
  • Stiff jaw/difficulty opening and closing the mouth
  • Frequent popping and clicking when moving the jaw
  • Jaw clenching/teeth grinding
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Neck pain
  • Earaches

Types of TMJ Treatment

Fortunately, Charm Smile Dental’s own Dr. Mahmoud Homsi studied TMJ treatment at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies, meaning we’re prepared to help you in a multitude of ways both in the short and long term.

Occlusal Splint

An occlusal splint is a custom-made mouthguard you would only wear to bed. It works by slightly shifting your jaw so that pressure is taken off of the TMJ, which allows your face to relax while the overworked tissues heal. It also can serve as a barrier that protects your teeth from grinding.

Equilibration/Occlusal Adjustment

When your teeth come together, the force of your bite should be evenly distributed from left to right and front to back. If this isn’t the case (due to missing teeth or ill-fitting restorations), it can create high-pressure spots, meaning the TMJ muscles become tense, tired, and sore. An equilibration involves slightly reshaping certain teeth so that your bite is balanced, allowing the muscles to calm (which should help the pain go away).

Treatment with a TENS Machine

TENS stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, and while that might be a mouthful, the way it works is relatively simple. Small electrodes are attached to the face, and gentle electrical pulses stimulate the muscles. This increases blood flow to the area, reducing inflammation, and essentially gives the tissues a deeply effective massage. It can help us identify the trigger point of your pain as well as deliver short-term relief. 

BOTOX® for TMJ Treatment

While BOTOX is mostly known for its ability to reduce facial wrinkles, it has been a trusted pain reliever for decades. A few strategic injections can help strained TMJ muscles finally relax, providing patients with relatively quick relief that can be trusted to last for months. Typically, BOTOX is used to keep a patient comfortable while our team provides a more long-term solution so that the injections eventually aren’t needed!