Root Canal Treatment – Concord, NH

Soothing the Aches of Damaged Teeth

To be honest, not all toothaches are caused by severe oral issues. A tooth’s pain can often stem from minor problems – a wedged popcorn kernel, sinus pressure, etc. Still, pay close attention if your teeth have been hurting for a while. That symptom may mean you need a root canal treatment here in Concord, which would relieve your pain and save your smile. Read on to learn more about this service, or book a consultation soon.

Why Choose Charm Smile Dental for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Dentist with Advanced Training
  • Multiple Sedation Options for Nervous Patients
  • In-network with Most PPO Dental Insurance Plans

Do I Need Root Canal Treatment?

Please note that a root canal removes your tooth’s infected pulp. Therefore, you likely need the treatment if you show signs of a tooth infection. The most common symptoms for one are:

  • Sensitive Tooth – Teeth infected by bacteria tend to have exposed dentin, which is often sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.
  • Persistent Tooth Pain – Everyone gets occasional tooth pain, but it’s not normal for this ache to be persistent. Enduring discomfort suggests the tooth is infected.
  • A Discolored Tooth – A tooth’s surface often turns dark when infected.
  • Tooth Looseness – An infected tooth may produce a puss that softens the bone beneath it. When that happens, the tooth will feel looser.
  • Swollen Gums – Your infected tooth’s pus could collect in your gums, making them feel swollen or tender.

The Root Canal Process

Though root canals can be invasive, most don’t take long. A dentist can usually perform one in just thirty minutes to an hour, with only severe cases needing ninety minutes or more.

Our practice’s root canal treatment has several key steps. To start off, we’ll numb your mouth with anesthesia so the procedure won’t hurt; you’ll only feel slight pressure at most. Our team will then use dental tools to reach your tooth’s inner chamber and remove its pulp. From there, we’ll sanitize this interior and refill it with gutta-percha (i.e., filling material). Dr. Homzi will wrap up the treatment by sealing your tooth and giving it a temporary crown.

After the initial session, you’ll likely attend a follow-up a few weeks later. We’ll set your permanent dental crown to replace the temporary one at that time. Once that’s done, the placed cap will protect your tooth for years.

The Benefits of Getting a Root Canal

A root canal treatment has many upsides, including the following:

  • Tooth Protection – Since a root canal protects your tooth from further harm, it prevents further decay.
  • Tooth Preservation – A root canal saves your tooth by removing its infected pulp. To that extent, it lets you avoid a costly tooth extraction or restoration later.
  • Toothache Relief – A tooth’s infected pulp will often cause a lot of pain. Thankfully,  root canals remove this tissue to get rid of your aches.
  • Long-Lasting Results – Once a tooth receives a root canal, it tends to work for a lifetime. The results will also blend seamlessly with your smile’s looks.