Same-Day Crowns – Concord, NH

Making Quick Repairs to Teeth In a Single Visit

Dental crowns are one of the most reliable solutions for fixing teeth that have been affected by injury or disease. However, they typically involve having to wait after two appointments to finalize the restorations. Fortunately, our team at Charm Smile Dental can utilize a milling machine to construct purely custom same-day crowns so that you can enjoy a stronger and healthier tooth after just one visit! Keep reading to learn more about this restorative dental service or reach out to our office to set up your initial consultation today.

Why Choose Charm Smile Dental for Same-Day Crowns?

  • Accurate & Effective Dental Milling Technology
  • Durable & High-Quality Dental Materials
  • Completely Personalized and Long-Lasting Results

What Are Same-Day Dental Crowns?

Just like with traditional ones, same-day dental crowns are specifically designed to repair and protect moderately decayed or damaged teeth. We can even use them to replace a restoration for a dental implant. For regular crowns, you’ll generally expect them to be made in a separate dental lab for fabrication, which can take about two weeks to complete.

Same-day crowns, with the help of our milling machine, can be constructed in just a couple of hours. The material used will be the same as with regular ones, but we’ll utilize our in-house technology instead of sending your smile impressions to another location.

The Process of Getting a Same-Day Dental Crown

The procedure for getting same-day dental crowns will look like the following:

  • First, we’ll numb your mouth with a local anesthetic so that we can prepare your underlying tooth by removing a small portion of your enamel to make room for the restoration.
  • We’ll then take digital impressions of your smile and use advanced software to design your future crown.
  • The milling machine will construct your restoration with dental porcelain so that it matches the size, shape, and color that you require.
  • Our team will confirm that the crown is fabricated properly before attaching it to your tooth.

The Benefits of Same-Day Crowns vs. Traditional Crowns

You can expect to appreciate various benefits with same-day crowns, including:

  • Faster treatment timeframe
  • No need for temporary crowns
  • More comfortable process due to digital impressions instead of manual ones
  • Metal-free restorations
  • Similar treatment price to traditional crowns
  • Customized and natural-looking results