Tooth Extractions – Concord, NH

Save Your Smile by Pulling Problematic Teeth

Although our team at Charm Smile Dental typically does everything we can to repair and preserve your natural grin, if you have a tooth that is overly damaged or decayed, it can put your oral health at risk. In these instances, Dr. Homsi can save your smile by pulling problematic teeth. Continue reading to learn more about why this solution might have been recommended and how the process works. As always, feel free to contact us with any additional questions.

Why Choose Charm Smile Dental for Tooth Extractions?

  • Sedation Optional for Enhanced Patient Comfort
  • Flexible Financing Available
  • Milling Machine for Same-Day Restorations

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

In most instances, repairing a damaged tooth is the best way to maintain a functional and beautiful smile. However, if you have one with a severe cavity or injury, there may be no feasible way to repair it. A tooth extraction might be required when:

  • Your tooth can’t be repaired with a filling, bonding, or other solution.
  • You need more room in your mouth to successfully complete orthodontic treatment.
  • You’re being fitted for dentures.
  • A child’s baby tooth doesn’t fall out on its own.
  • You have an impacted or infected tooth.

Tooth decay and infections can impact your gums and jawbone, seriously harming your dental health. Taking the culprit out can prevent further complications.

The Process of Removing a Tooth

The steps involved in your procedure can vary based on where the tooth is and the type of damage. If it’s in the front of your mouth and is easily accessible, Dr. Homsi can remove it relatively easily with a simple extraction. First, he’ll numb the area with a topical anesthetic and/or sedate you. Then, he’ll grasp your tooth with special forceps and wiggle it gently until it loosens from your gums and can slip free.

If you have an injured molar or if your tooth isn’t easy to get a hold of, Dr. Homsi may have to perform a surgical extraction. This also involves numbing and/or sedating you, but then he’ll place a small incision in your gums. He may need to break your pearly white into smaller pieces to prevent additional bone loss when removing it from its socket.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

As with any surgical procedure, there are some post-op care instructions that you’ll need to follow to recover as quickly and effectively as possible. You’ll need to keep the incision site as clean as possible to prevent infection. You must also allow a blood clot to form over it to protect the underlying nerves and bone tissue that are exposed.

We typically ask that patients:

  • Take medications as prescribed. We might send you home with antibiotics to prevent infection or painkillers to help with discomfort. It’s important to take them as directed to avoid complications.
  • Rinse with salt water. Don’t brush or floss for the first 24 hours after your appointment because you could dislodge your blood clot. Instead, gently rinse your mouth with a natural disinfectant made by mixing 8 oz of water with half a teaspoon of salt.
  • Don’t smoke. Tobacco products contain nicotine that constricts your blood vessels, making them less able to deliver essential nutrients to your mouth to help it heal.
  • Get sufficient rest. Steer clear of strenuous activities or exercises that elevate your heart rate or blood pressure because you could dislodge your blood clot.
  • Avoid straws. The force of suction created when drinking through a straw could push your blood clot out of place.